Who is the Creative Globetrotter?
Lets introduce myself
I’m Budi aka The Creative Globetrotter. Traveling was always a passion in my life so decided make my most important decision in my life: quit my job in 2014 as an Art Director in the advertising. In the past years I’m traveling the world as the Creative Globetrotter. ‘Creative’ because I still do some creative work as a freelance Art Director, teacher in advertising and design or as inspirator during workshops or presentations sharing my experience as a creative. ‘Globetrotter’ because I travel throughout the world experience the, culture, language, local food, meet new local people or travelers, see the fantastic nature, natural parks and wildlife the world has to offer. To combine those you have The Creative Globetrotter. And in this blog I want to share you the creative as well the globetrotter experience with you!
Discover the world
Traveling (for a long time) is put yourself outside the comfort zone. Discovering new cultures, food and meeting local people. Using sign language with your hands or feet on the country side of Vietnam to communicate, eat cockroaches in a dining place in China, thrill seeker mountainbike rides in Bolivia or the breathtaking landscapes and scenery in New Zealand. To inject yourself with energy and the Freedom traveling life has to offer. Traveling without any limitations.
How to work during your travels?
Remote working with your laptop, blogging or vlogging? Job hunting or paid as a volunteer. If you want to stay longer and settle down in one place or you want to traveling for a longer time you have to make money. There are different kinds of methods earning (or saving) your money to work and keep traveling. To gain the freedom: be on the move and making money. Because of my different traveling-work-experiences to keep my travels going I want to share this with you. In hope you making the same choice someday.
Traveling tips and tricks
Don’t expect the the travel stories in a traveling group, beach vacation or luxury travel like safe traveling. No these are tips and travel experiences bringing you closer to the local cultures, meetings, dining habits and you go off the beaten track. Travelings means for me: book your flight ticket to an unknown destination without any plan. Push you to limit and beyond.
Check for more tips & tricks in this blog or Facebook & Instagram
Collaboration and enquiries
Do you want more information it goes deeper about traveling and working abroad? Planning of your trip, workshop, social post, sponsored story or journey, press trip? Collaboration on location and sharing the experience on creativity in concepts, strategy, photograpy, video or design. I would like thinking with you and what fit with your expectations. The Creative Globetrotter blog is a platform and a podium of 10.000 page views each month. Do like this contact me: iamthecreativeglobetrotter@gmail.com